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The 5 Steps of a Contested Divorce
Marriage is not something to be taken lightly but if you are reaching the end of your happy union you need to understand the ins and out of a Divorce before taking a final decision. When it comes to the contested divorce, the spouses won’t be able to come to an agreement on all their issues including child custody and the division of marital issues. When spouses can’t make a decision they visit the court for the settlement of their issues they not able to negotiate and finalize.​
In a contested divorce, you have to connect a Law Firm for hiring an attorney who can support you throughout the whole process. Your lawyer will collect all the data like records about marital assets, kids of the marriage, and any other concerns you feel are appropriate. Once your divorce petition is filed with the court, Your attorney will send it to your spouse but if you are not able to locate your spouse then a notice will be published and you have to wait for a few days before moving to the filed petition divorce.
If your spouse doesn’t respond within thirty days then you may get a default judgment of the divorce. Discovery is considered as the most important part of divorce where the spouses will gather detailed information about their marital assets, income, custody, and any other issues relevant to their case and request temporary order for child support from the court.
Most of the judges usually encourage the settlement before announcing the final court date but if the spouses are unable to come in the settlement the case would be scheduled for the divorce court. During the trial, each side will show the witnesses to prove that they are suitable for child custody. After that, the party will be granted an agreement and the court will make its final decision.